Iranian athletes' success at Diamond League

Iranian athletes win gold and silver medals at Diamond League.

Iranian athletes' success at Diamond League

MojNews-Iranian athletes win gold and silver medals at Diamond League. 

Sobhan Ahmadi and Mehdi Pirjahan of Iran won a gold and silver medal at the 2024 Diamond League in Doha, Qatar.

Ahmadi came first in the 800m Men Final of the West Asian Champs, clocking 1:48.92 minutes.

Qatari athlete Zakaria Elhalaami won a silver with a time of 1:49.98 and the bronze medal went to Iraqi Mezah Nooruldeen Adil with 1:50.17.

Pirjahan also took a silver at the Men's 400 Metres Hurdles with a time of 50.60 seconds.

Lebanese Marc Anthony Ibrahim and Iraqi Ahmed Jamal Aldirawi came first and third with 49.84 and 51.69, respectively.

The Diamond League season continues with the fourth of 15 meetings scheduled this year in Rabat, Morocco on 19 May.


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